Hands On Classic Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare Replica Watch

Panerai is one of the important players in the history of modern timepieces. Its most popular models are the wire-lug Radiomir and the Luminor with its iconic crown locking mechanism. On of its newest designs redefines the beauty and orifinality of the Radiomir with a more edgy and manly twist. The Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare Replica  is a statement of boldness and elegance.

The most important aesthetic detail of this Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare watch is the composite case. This is actually a special ceramic case that has a brushed and rough look. It is lighter and also more resistant. The color itself is remarkable. The all brown look of the watch is a very fierce choice for Panerai. This watch represents a huge leap for the company’s image. It aligns the brand with the necesities and fashion standards of modern men. The dial is all brown, the case, bezel and clasp are in the case color of brown, and, additionally, the strap is made from brown leather. The entire appearence of this watch is unique.

Hands On Classic Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare Replica Watch

As we all know, Panerai watches are very big watches and this model is no exception. The case measures 47 mm. That’s pretty large if you aren’t used to oversized watches. As a matter of fact, I love big watches. I love the way a manly and sturdy watch looks on my wrist. It gives me extra confidence and makes me feel more stylish. If you are also one of those who adore wearing a fresh and bold watch then let me introduce you my Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare swiss replica watch. It is a type of brown coating that is very resistant and feels great when you touch it. It is smooth, but has a brushed surface. Also, it feels heavy, but not is a confortable weight. Once I have it on my wrist, the weight distributes perfectly. And the dial is gorgeous.

Hands On Classic Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare Replica Watch

The brown leather strap is made from a very smooth and good quality brown leather. It has a rough appearence and evoques a classic elegance that only traditional watches can have. Also, the buckle is made from the same brown ceramic material. And what could I say about its time precision? It keep very good time for a replica. There are poor fakes that stop while you are wearing it or lose minutes each day, but not my Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare replica watch. This one works great. So if you are looking for a new beautiful watch that has the timeless elegance of classic watches and the innovative design accents of modern timepieces then you are surely looking for a Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare replica. This gorgeous fake watch has the appearence of a remarkable luxury wrist watch and a very high functionality.

Hands On Classic Panerai Radiomir Marina Militare Replica Watch